Friday, June 13, 2008

Heart Lines Pvt Ultd

As dawn sinks into dusk, my heart writhes with every turn

Thinking of those pearls of time we spent together
Where art the musk of those moments of laughter and fun

The times of fights and make-ups, and pranks and praise
For which i'm thankful to the divine grace
Forever I had the comfort of your solace
Where sorry and thanks had no place

The mere remembrance of you that springs cheer in my face
The mere absence of you that brings tear in my eyes
The mere thought of you that rings bell in my heart
The mere act of you that flings air in my breath

If you could only feel what i feel for you
That you're a meal for a wailing shrew
If you could only delve for how you dwell in me
That you're a petal in my destiny

With your depart i land into an abyssal gloom
But there's a hope that starts to bloom
That you'll get back to me and save my doom
We shall weave our love with the loom
And make our love into a plume

i long for you, i belong to you
i call to you, i fall to you
Dont ever leave me 'coz i revere the presence of you
My life's incomplete without the essence of you ...